From the university campus to the ends of the earth, we must preach the gospel! SALT 25' is all about encouraging and equipping students to obey Jesus' command to make disciples. Come engage with missionaries from all around the world, hear what God is doing, and find your place in God's global plan. Every student goes. Every student gives. Every student prays. And every student welcomes.
Conference Hosts

Jessica Wunder
The University of Tennessee

Thomas Fancher
Tennessee Tech University
Worship Team
God called his people to intimately know His presence and proclaim His character to the nations - this is still our calling as worshipers. Kingdom of Priests is a collective of worshipers from within the Chi Alpha family. Our vision is to unify our movement in glorifying Jesus through original and authentic expressions of worship. Click here for their most recent album.

Steve Pavek
Chi Alpha and "What I Have" Missionary
